The Adam Hygiène objective is to offer you high-quality maintenance products that are perfectly adapted to your needs .
Adam Hygiène attaches great importance to the selection of materials that are used in the manufacture of its products as well as in all other maintenance tools. The team of Adam Hygiène at your disposal to meet your more specific needs of any kind of brooms and brushes. Adam Hygiène has various production lines, with a high capacity of manufacturing, totaling a range of various articles all colors combined. Our priority is the satisfaction of our customers by offering them a wide range of products that comply with quality standards and international safety standards with a competitive price. Adam Hygiene’s goal is to satisfy customers by offering them quality products at the best prices .
Innovation is the fundamental element of our strategy. It is a tool that allows us to continue to improve our competitiveness, our recognition and our profitability.
Our technical department is constantly studying market trends, in order to obtain a continuous improvement that adapts to new lifestyles, innovating to always be in line with the latest preparations, types of packaging and products, whether from existing models or new creations.
We have the human and material capabilities to «create» new products based on the specific needs and requirements of our customers.
You can trust us!
Our vision
Adam Hygiène s’est engagée dans une démarche qualité ayant pour objectifs la satisfaction des exigences clients et la recherche et développement en continue.
Our strategy
Notre stratégie consiste à développer notre marque en se basant sur l’innovation, soutenir la marque par le marketing et surtout par le marketing digital, optimiser les marges et la productivité, proposer de nouveaux produits innovants et S’ouvrir sur de nouveaux marchés tels que le marché africain..
Our quality policy
La qualité constitue la priorité majeure de notre société ce fait nous allouons un budget important au département Recherche & Développement afin d’assurer une meilleure qualité et de subvenir aux besoins du consommateur en terme d'innovation, l'efficacité, la diversité et le rapport qualité/prix.
Our products
Best qualities
Easy to cut - Easy to manipulate - Super resistant
Cling film
Food stretch film for your various uses.
Broom fiber
Good quality and multi-color fiber.
Cleaning Floor Broom
Balai multi couleurs et bonne qualité au moins prix.
Manche balai et raclette de sol
Manches métallique pour les balai et raclettes de sol.
Floor Squeegee
Multi color and good quality household brush at least price.
Serpillière Orange
For your various household uses.